Christian_Zanon_Terapias_on_Line3The three ways that we can offer this service are:

  • WhatsApp
  • Skype Counselling (Videoconferencing)
  • By Email

Skype Counselling (Videoconferencing )

The service of online therapy is a remote delivery and offers a number of interesting advantages compared with traditional therapy.

In today’s world, time is increasingly precious. Very often, we need a therapist to better manage the difficulties and problems of everyday life, but this is difficult to achieve, due to lack of time. Thanks to new technology, with a «web cam» and internet connection, distance is no longer an obstacle today and this allows us to take the lead that was unthinkable a few decades ago. Online therapy is a new reality in this era and many scientific studies support its validity.

There are several advantages to online therapy, such as the freedom to choose our own therapist, regardless of where you live. Another advantage is the privacy it offers. In fact, you can receive therapy from the comfort of your own home, or wherever you happen to be, for example at sea, in the mountains, in the park. This not only saves time and money, it makes therapy more reserved.

By Email

Another way to undertake  psychotherapy practice on-line is through email. It is oriented to people who want to get a professional opinion about a problem or issue timely service. The customer should be aware that each of the contacts made are answered individually, in any case not using standardized responses, if not customized. Also documents or links for that specific case are included. The minimum length of the post is 350 words.

The strong point of online therapy through EFTPS Mail is that  the physical absence of the therapist can facilitate disinhibition in the patient making him/her  able to open up to certain emotions or  topics that would be of greater discomfort in treatment face to face. By avoiding displacements we facilitate a stronger freedom when writing. Another advantage is the lowest price per session, without the costs of parking and public transportation.

Operating mode

If you are interested in online therapy, you can write to my email: I will repond by email  to establish the conditions and timing of first correspondence.

Cost of service

The first consultation is only 20€ and can last between 20 minutes / half an hour.

It is the time you need to focus on the problem (reserve now).


Subsequent consultations are always provided in modules of 5 sessions lasting approximately 45/50 minutes at a cost of 35.00 €, for a total of 150.00 € (payment in advance).

The terms of payment are: Paypal, credit card, debit card (bank card) and bank transfer.


Consultations will be weekly, but otherwise by agreement. If there are impediments due to any reason such as health, unavoidable commitments, lack of internet connection, paid sessions can be retrieved without charge within one year from the date of transfer.

If there is difficulty in connecting to the Internet during the consultation, which may not allow a development of the same regular, can be retrieved for without charge.

In case of inability of the patient to make the scheduled therapy, it is necessary that the same communicates this by email  at least 24 hours in advance, in the absence of communication, it will be charged.